Board Policies
Policies adopted by the Board of Trustees. In general, Board Policies are statements usually dealing with broad university-wide issues that guide Board and Administration action.
Section 1: Administrative Section 2: AcademicSection 3: Fiscal Section 4: Personnel
Operational Policies and Procedures
Policies and procedures adopted by the President pursuant to Board Policy 01:001 §9. University Policies and Procedures are university-wide in scope, but are aimed at carrying out the President’s charge to ensure the effective administration of day-to-day operations at the University. The President has delgated authority to his Executive Cabinet to adopt Operational Policies and Procedures that are administered by their Division.
These Operational Policies have been formally adopted by the administration:
President’s OfficeOffice of the Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost
Other existing Operational Policies and Procedures are administered by various departments:
Business AffairsHuman Resources IS&T PoliciesStudent Affairs
Faculty HandbookAdjunct Faculty HandbookStaff HandbookStudent Handbook
Policy Hierarchy
Legal and Regulatory Requirements
Federal and State Laws and Administrative Procedures
University-Wide Policies and Procedures
- Bylaws of the Board of Trustees
- Board Policies and Procedures
- Operational Policies and Procedures
- Faculty Handbook, Staff Handbook, Student Handbook
Unit-Level Policies and Procedures
- Division Policies and Procedures
- College Policies and Procedures
- Departmental Policies and Procedures